The Beauty of the Rose
Author: M. Fortney
Think of the stem as the road of life--ever bending,turning and changing, as we walk along life's road.Think of the rose,as our hearts--delicate and fragile, slowly healing,and slowly opening,
as time heals our wounds. Think of the broken petals--as the
broken dreams,broken hearts, and wounded spirits, that have filled our lives.

Think of the growth of the rose, and the opening of the pedals-- as time that passes, as we forget our pains,and as we grow, and as we experience new joys, new dreams, new hope, new love, and new friendships.

Think of the fallen petals as growth-- as we learn to let go of the burdens we need not carryalong the way, as we allow our hearts to open again, our hearts will heal,we will learn to love again, we will become stronger. Time is a healer

When we can see the beauty of the rose-- we learn to see the beauties of life--that's when we'll know, we've healed and we've become as beautiful
as the ROSE.