

Guess I'll start this out with just a Hello, my name is Steve Gradwohl and I was diagnosed with ALS in May of 1995.

The picture above was taken in July of 97, by the way that's me and my wonderful wife Helen and my constant companion Ginger.

I've been very fortunate in that I have lived and worked a very exciting and varied life prior to the onset of ALS.

I've been in every state west of the Mississippi other than Alaska and every state east of the Mississippi except for 6, lived in Wa.,Ore.,NM.,HA., FL., NY. Lived and worked in Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, England and have traveled thru out Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

Today without the use of a computer I don't know what I would do, I've made so many friends on the internet, like my good friend Steven Graham whose web page you are on, Angel from RIO, also an ALS patient, my good friend Sunrose in Texas, John who's up there next to me and so many others, there isn't enough room to mention.

There is one thing about this disease, you can't give up, just look forward to the next challenge and don't think about what was but what is.


If you would like to talk further about this disease, please feel free to contact me either by E-Mail or by ICQ


ICQ # is 9468641